Whilst you may presume that your standard business insurance will cover for claims made against your business, it may not be sufficient when it comes to protecting your management.
Should a liability claim be made against a director due to a wrongful act, without Directors and Officers (D&O) cover in place, they will be required to personally fund any resulting legal and compensation fees.
Claims can be made against senior staff by internal employees, shareholders, partners, regulatory agencies, fellow directors and so on.
Court Costs
Investigation & Defence
Environmental Claims
Employee Tribunals
Retired Directors
Reputational Damage
Tax Liabilities
Should the responsibility be seen to fall on your shoulders, defending yourself can be costly.
Working with you, we will make sure that your business policy includes the D&O cover you need, so your senior management has a line of defence in place should something go wrong.
No business is exempt from the risk of D&O claims. Even when managing a smaller company, you can still get caught out and, unlike larger corporations, your company likely won’t have the resources available to call upon an in-house legal team.
With D&O cover in place, directors will have the reassurance they need to make the major decisions their job calls for without fear of their personal finances and assets being at risk.
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